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Eye make-up: how to best emphasise the shape of your eyes

PerfectHair.ch Redaktion01.02.2023

Looking for the perfect eye make-up to match your eye shape? Find out how to make up your eyes to match the shape of your eyes. We also show you how to find out what shape your eyes are and which products you can use to create the perfect make-up.

What shape of eyes do I have?

Compare the shape of your eyes with the shapes given in the picture. Look at your eyes without make-up so as not to distort the result.

Round eyes

Round eyes makeup
The goal with the round eye is to visually stretch the eye. This works best with a dark kohl or eye shadow applied to the outer corner of the eye. A light or shimmering eye shadow is applied to the inner half of the eyelid. Smokey eyes look especially beautiful with round eyes. If you want to draw an eyeliner, it should only start in the middle of the eye and be wider on the outside than on the inside, so that the eye appears visually wider. Tip: The eyebrows should not be plucked round.

Almond shaped eyes

Almond shaped eyes makeup
The only eye shape that can carry all makeup looks is the almond-shaped eye shape. It is considered to be the almost perfect eye shape. Any type of eyeliner, eye shadow and kohl can be worn. The perfect eyeliner for the almond-shaped eye is curved outwards, whether defined or smokey doesn't matter. Another advantage of this eye shape is that almost all false eyelashes fit perfectly and magnify the eye wonderfully.

Small eyes

Small eyes Make-up
To make small eyes look bigger, use bright and shimmering eye shadows, especially on the inner corner of the eye, this trick will open the eye. A skin-colored kajal on the waterline makes the eye look bigger. The eyelashes should be heavily mascaraed, preferably the upper and lower ones. Dark eye shadows and eyeliners make the eye look even smaller, so you should avoid the dark shades and smokey eyes. Tip: The eyebrows should not be too bushy for small eyes, it is best to pluck the eyebrows a little narrower.

Eyes wide apart

Eyes wide apart Make-up
To make the face look more harmonious, make up the eyes so that they are visually closer to the nose. This is achieved with dark eye shadow in the inner corner of the eye. Neither the eye shadow nor the liquid eyeliner should be drawn beyond the outer corner of the eye.

Eyes close together

Eyes close together make-up
Here, exactly the opposite effect is desired as with the wide-set eyes. So the eye shape is emphasized more outwardly, with dark eye shadow and eyeliner. In the inner corner of the eye, a light and shimmering eye shadow looks very flattering. The eyeliner should first start in the center of the eye and go beyond the outer corner of the eye. Tip: The eyebrows can stand a little further apart to visually pull the eyes apart as well.

Hanging eyes

Hanging eyes makeup
Droopy eyes quickly look tired and sad. Since the outer corner of the eye hangs downward, it must be visually pulled upward. The eyeliner or eye shadow should therefore make a sweep upwards at the outer corner of the eye and thus lift the eye. In order not to pull the eye down even more, the lower lash line should remain without makeup.

Eyes with drooping eyelids

Eyes with drooping eyelids makeup
With a drooping eyelid, an eyelid crease must be visually created so that the look appears open. A brown eye shadow is blended into the crease and a little further up. The moving lid and the inner corner of the eye are emphasized with light eye shadow. Tip: Make up the slip eyelid always with the eye open.

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