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The best shampoos without silicones

PerfectHair.ch Redaktion09.01.2023

Are you looking for a silicone-free shampoo? Discover our large selection of silicone-free shampoos for your hair type, which ensure healthy and shiny hair in the long term.

We all want healthy, shiny hair. But could it be that the hair care products we use to make our hair shine are actually doing more harm than good?

Silicone is one of the ingredients often found in shampoos and conditioners to add shine and smoothness to hair. Silicones are polymers, artificial chemicals that are often used in plastics, rubber and polishes. Doesn't really sound like a substance we want to put in our hair?

Impact of silicone

Why should silicone shampoo no longer be used? Silicones give the illusion of healthy hair by coating the hair. This makes the porous (unhealthy) parts that make the hair look frizzy or split invisible.

The problem is that no nutrients can penetrate under the layer of silicones. The hair looks smoothed and shiny, but dries out on the inside. A layer can also form on the scalp, which can lead to dandruff.

Silicone-free shampoo - what do I need to consider?

It's not so easy to find out exactly what's in our beauty products, as most of us don't understand the long lists of chemical names.

Unfortunately, identifying silicones in general is not an easy task either. They appear under many different names. A good indicator is that most of them end in the suffix "cone", such as "dimethicone".

Switch to a silicone-free shampoo

Switching to a silicone-free shampoo can work wonders. All the natural nutrients can finally do their job, nourishing and moisturising the hair. It may take some time for the natural balance of the scalp to be restored. 

However, it is definitely worth making the switch to get rid of limp and dull hair. Long hair, damaged hair and limp hair regain volume, moisture and dry scalps are nourished thanks to natural ingredients.

Attention: silicone-free does not automatically mean good

Recently, some manufacturers have started to launch "silicone-free" shampoos on the market in order to jump on the "healthy and natural" bandwagon. However, be aware that these shampoos often contain chemicals that do just as much damage to your hair as silicone!

Our favourite shampoos without silicones

Discover our favourite silicone-free shampoos for every hair type here. How to buy a silicone-free shampoo that cares for your hair and keeps it healthy without damaging it.

Silicone-free shampoo for beautiful curls

Curly hair particularly benefits from care with a silicone-free shampoo. Curls are the driest hair type. Using the wrong silicones too often on curly hair dries out the hair structure and the curls no longer bounce beautifully. In the long term, the hair becomes frizzy and loses its shine.

Silicone-free shampoo for dry hair

Silicone-free shampoo for damaged hair

Silicone-free shampoo for oily hair

Silicone-free shampoo for coloured hair

How do I remove silicones from my hair?

Once the silicone is in the hair, it is not so easy to get rid of. However, silicone-free hair care can only provide proper care once the silicone has been removed from the hair. As silicones form a layer around the hair, the effect of natural hair care is limited. 

Wash your hair with a deep-cleansing shampoo before making the switch. If you have been using shampoos with silicone for a long time, you will need to repeat this process a few times until all silicones have been removed. Use the deep-cleansing shampoo for several days. Then treat your hair with a silicone-free conditioner to prevent dry hair.

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