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Beauty from within

Have you perfected your facial and hair care routine, but still have a few complaints? Or do you want to get the most out of it? Then you can turn to nutritional supplements. Whether for your hair, skin or immune system: discover all nutritional supplements here.

Disclaimer: If you have more serious complaints, it is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor, as they can help you with specific needs.

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Let your skin glow

Healthy skin is a reflection of general well-being. Food supplements can contribute to this by providing important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and omega-3 fatty acids. These support skin regeneration, fight free radicals and promote moisture and elasticity. Minerals such as zinc play a crucial role in skin health. Collagen supplements can also support skin firmness.

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Healthy hair

Healthy hair is an indicator of overall vitality. Supplements can provide you with specific nutrients such as B vitamins (especially biotin), iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote hair growth and strengthen the hair structure. Adequate protein intake is just as important. Food supplements can help here, especially if you have an unbalanced diet.

Bild von Supplements

For a strong immune system

A strong immune system is crucial for fighting off illness and maintaining good health. Food supplements can support this by providing certain vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting effect, as it promotes the production of immune cells and has antioxidant properties.

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Powerful all-rounder supplements

All-rounder supplements are ideal for comprehensive support of skin, hair and overall well-being. These contain a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E protect the skin, while B vitamins, especially biotin, promote hair health. For the immune system, vitamin D, zinc and probiotics are included to provide a holistic boost. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to skin and hair health.