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IPL hair removal

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is an innovative method of permanent hair removal that is gentle and effective. With IPL devices, you can permanently remove hair from all areas of the body without pain or side effects. We offer you a selection of IPL devices for home use that will give you professional results.

How does IPL hair removal work?

IPL devices use pulses of light to permanently remove hair. The light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicles. The heat destroys the hair follicles and prevents the hair from growing back. The first results are visible after a few applications, but several treatments are necessary for optimum results. IPL is suitable for almost all skin types.

IPL devices for at home

There are different devices for different areas of the body. We show you our favourite IPL devices.

Preparation and post-treatment

Follow the operating instructions for the respective IPL device. You often have to remove all hairs before the treatment. Whether by shaving or epilation is up to you. After the treatment, you can use a moisturising lotion.