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Do something good for yourself on World Health Day

World Health Day on 7 April 2024 is the perfect occasion to focus on your own health and well-being. PerfectHair.ch offers you a wide range of products that can help you feel good all round.

Food supplements

Food supplements can top up your balanced diet. They help you to compensate for missing nutrients and provide your body with important vitamins and minerals.

Relaxation thanks to a soothing fragrance

Scented candles, flavoured baths or essential oils: soothing fragrances can have a truly relaxing effect. How does it work? Odours reach the limbic system via the nose, where emotions and memories are processed. Certain scents, such as lavender or vanilla, trigger positive feelings and relaxation there.

Soothing scrubs and creams

Treat your skin to an extra dose of care with gentle scrubs and rich creams. Peelings remove dead skin cells, improve circulation and refine the skin's appearance. Creams moisturise and nourish the skin, protect it from external influences and leave it soft and supple. Discover more about peelings here.

Hair care for shiny and strong hair

Healthy, shiny and strong hair is an expression of beauty and vitality. With the right hair care, the natural beauty of your hair can be optimally emphasised.