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Who doesn't know it, empty shipping boxes and packaging material that just lie around and are disposed of at some point.

Reuse of shipping boxes

Who doesn't know it, empty shipping boxes and packaging material that just lie around and are disposed of at some point. Unfortunately, the environment is often forgotten here. At PerfectHair.ch, we care about the environment, so sustainable packaging is important to us. As a customer, you can contribute to sustainability by reusing our packaging.

We show you how you can reuse your PerfectHair.ch package instead of throwing it away and present you different upcycling ideas.

Why upcycling?

Many people have a used cardboard box at home but don't know how to reuse or recycle the packaging in a different way. We show you how you can reuse your PerfectHair.ch package instead of throwing it away and present you different upcycling ideas and instructions that you can use in your daily life.

Upcycling not only protects our environment and prevents waste, but also gives items, or in this case packaging, a new life cycle and saves you money. Reusing boxes is not only environmentally friendly and sustainable, but can also be quite useful.

With upcycling, old material is upgraded and creativity can be lived out.

How does upcycling work?

Anyone can take part in reuse, or upcycling. Every household has items or boxes that are not used. Unlike recycling, upcycling does not throw away the used products or packaging, but transforms them into something new. With upcycling, old material is upgraded and creativity can be lived out. A sustainable alternative that is easy to implement.

Ideas and instructions

This homemade cardboard box is just right for you

Storage box

You have bought new products on PerfectHair.ch, but don't know exactly where to store them? Then this homemade box made of cardboard is the right thing for you. A storage box doesn't always have to be expensive. We present a sustainable and stylish alternative. You won't need more than 10 minutes for this tutorial.

Material: Shipping box / cords / scissors / wrapping paper / glue

Step 1

Empty the shipping box and cut off the edges with scissors.

Storage Box Tutorial

Step 2

Wrap the cord around the box until you can no longer see the cardboard.

Storage Box Tutorial

Step 3

Decorate the inside of the storage box as you like.

Storage Box Tutorial

Step 4

Fill the box with any products.

Storage Box Tutorial

Scratching toys for the cat

It usually doesn't take much for a cat to enjoy its "toy". Sometimes something as simple as a sustainable package transformed into a scratching post is enough. Instead of buying an expensive cat tree in a pet shop, this can be easily made at home in just a few steps. 

Material: Shipping box / hot glue / tape / scissors

Sustainable packaging transformed into a scratching post.

Step 1

First, take the packaging apart and cut it into strips. The cardboard strips should be around 7cm wide.

Scratching Toy Tutorial

Step 2

Roll the cardboard strips and secure them with the tape. Place the next cardboard strip where the previous one ended. Repeat the process until it reaches approx. 20cm in diameter.

Scratching Toy Tutorial

Step 3

The scratching toy should be the same size, so excess edges can be cut off with scissors or a wallpaper knife.

Scratching Toy Tutorial

Step 4

Optionally, a soft foam can be glued to the underside of the cat scratching post. Voilà! In just 4 steps, the DIY cat toy is ready!

Scratching Toy Tutorial
With cardboard strips, this can be done in just a few easy steps.

Organisation system

Say goodbye to chaotic drawers and create order. With cardboard strips, this is possible in just a few steps. We show you how to create a tidy drawer. 

Material: Shipping box, wrapping paper, scissors, adhesive tape

Step 1

First, measure the drawer.

Order System Tutorial

Step 2

Cut the cardboard box into strips and colour or gift wrap as desired.

Order System Tutorial

Step 3

Place the strips in the drawer and separate the interior with the strips.

Order System Tutorial

Step 4

Fill the drawer with any products.

Order System Tutorial

Recycle hair in the salon

 We not only pay attention to sustainability in packaging, but also in our salons. At our salon, hair is recycled, sustainably reused and turned into filter mats and oil binders.

RECUP'HAIR collects and recycles hair clippings. RECUP'HAIR is the first product in Switzerland to convert hair waste into a valuable raw material. Hair can absorb up to 8 times its own weight in oil! RECUP'HAIR takes full advantage of this and recycles hair with it.

Through their innovative work, a treatment has been developed that converts hair from PerfectHair.ch salons into a filter mat and oil binder. In a process, the mats are made from hair that binds spilled liquids. These prevent the contamination of water and drinking water. The new products are mainly used where oil leaks - for example in workshops or by the fire brigade.

We not only pay attention to sustainability in our packaging, but also in our salons.