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Portrait photo of the online shop employee Yvonne Spirig from PerfectHair.ch

Yvonne Spirig

SEA Manager

At PerfectHair.ch since


What does « beauty without limits » mean to you?

For me, beauty without limits means that there are no limits to beauty. Everyone understands something different about beauty and accordingly each person styles themselves differently. I think that there is no right or wrong or rule. Every person is free to choose how to put on make-up or style themselves. The personality of the person is in every styling, which is why no limit should be set.

What defines beauty for you?

As Audrey Hepburn said: "I believe that happy girls are the most beautiful girls". That's why I believe that beauty starts from within. If you feel good, you also radiate that to the outside. It is all the more important that you love and like yourself. If you love yourself, you also take care of yourself and look after yourself. This includes skin care routines, putting on make-up, styling your hair or simply taking off your make-up (especially at 3 a.m., after the party :D).

What do you like about yourself?

What I like most about myself is my cheerfulness and my willingness to help. I like to laugh a lot and especially with other people. I don't like to see when other people are sad. That's why I like to help and always try to do everything I can to make the other person laugh again (even if crying is necessary first). My cheerfulness helps me (mostly) to walk through life optimistically and to encourage others!

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